
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Anniversary Chrome!

Last September 2, Google Chrome browser has become five years old. On the 2nd of September 2008, Google introduced the first version of Google Chrome. The first stable version, on the other hand, was used on the 11th of December 2008.

cellular country scamGoogle Chrome became available for Mac and Linux owners in May 2010 and for Android on February 2012. Moreover, iOS users has experienced the browser since June 2012. Chrome was made to be a better, faster, simpler and more secure browser on any kind of device.

The Google Chrome has accomplished more in the past years. Aside from surpassing Microsoft's Internet Explorer, the Chrome has become one of the most used browser in the world, next to Mozilla Firefox.

I, myself, have high hopes for Google Chrome. The "New Incognito Window" has served me well.

For this, great job Chrome!

Any objections?


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